Shows and reads out SRC radio messages like they have to be spoken
This app shows the radio messages required in the SRC (Short Range Certificate) according to WRC-07 in GMDSS: - Distress alert (Mayday) - Mayday Relay - Distress acknowledge - Radio silence (Silence Mayday) - End of distress (Silence fini) - Distress cancellation - Urgency alert (Pan Pan) - Urgency message cancellation - Safety alert (Securite) - Safety message cancellation - Routine callTo achieve individual and customized messages following items can be changed: Ship name, callsign, MMSI, position, time, boat data of ship in distress, recipient and content of the message (if allowed by the standard), name of the skipper.Additional features: - The current position and time (UTC) can be determined and inserted in the message automatically. - The messages can be read out like they have to be spoken (e.g. callsign spelled out, digits separately...) - The messages can be written like they have to be spoken (e.g. "decimal" for the decimal point) - Possibility to switch between GMMDS and standard messagesThe app demands only the permission to determine the current position with GPS.Fixed a bug when adding a custom message.